
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ Luis Felipe Dias” ,找到相关结果约48356条。
Crustal thickness beneath Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from spectra of SH waves at station RDJ
Cario, Felipe Dias;Souza, Jorge Luis de;
Geofísica internacional , 2006,
Abstract: amplitude and phase spectra of long period analog s wave records were used to estimate crustal thickness under rio de janeiro seismic station. earthquakes with shallow focal depths (10-33 km) and epicentral distances varying from 83 to 88 degrees provided the best estimates of crustal thickness. epicentral distance seems to be the most important parameter in getting adequate amplitude and phase spectra. the estimated crustal thickness under rdj station is 32.9 ± 2.6 km. this value is compatible with an intraplate continent-ocean transition zone and with recent surface wave studies and crustal thickness determinations from receiver functions.
Crustal thickness beneath Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from spectra of SH waves at station RDJ
Felipe Dias Cario,Jorge Luis de Souza
Geofísica internacional , 2006,
Abstract: Amplitude and phase spectra of long period analog S wave records were used to estimate crustal thickness under Rio de Janeiro seismic station. Earthquakes with shallow focal depths (10-33 km) and epicentral distances varying from 83 to 88 degrees provided the best estimates of crustal thickness. Epicentral distance seems to be the most important parameter in getting adequate amplitude and phase spectra. The estimated crustal thickness under RDJ station is 32.9 ± 2.6 km. This value is compatible with an intraplate continent-ocean transition zone and with recent surface wave studies and crustal thickness determinations from receiver functions.
Identifica o de fatores que influenciam na qualidade do ensino de matemática, através da análise fatorial
Luis Felipe Dias Lopes,Andreia Zanella
Sistemas & Gest?o , 2009,
Abstract: A busca por melhores níveis de qualidade no ensino vem crescendo constantemente, a escola que deseja produzir qualidade deve primeiramente conhecer as necessidades dos seus clientes. Este trabalho busca identificar as variáveis que melhor influenciam na qualidade do ensino de matemática, o conhecimento destes aspectos pela escola e pelos professores torna-se fundamental para que seja possível direcionar esfor os para as dimens es destacadas como mais importantes. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de questionários fechados que buscavam investigar a percep o dos alunos em rela o ao ensino-aprendizagem da disciplina de matemática. Para análise dos dados utilizou-se a ferramenta estatística de análise fatorial, que possibilitou obter uma estrutura linear reduzida do conjunto original de dados, por meio da sumariza o da informa o contida em um número de variáveis em um conjunto menor de fatores. Com isso, pode-se identificar seis variáveis: eficiência da avalia o, interesse do aluno, prepara o do professor, temas atuais de investiga o, pontualidade do professor e prepara o para provas. O professor da disciplina deve direcionar sua aten o para estas variáveis destacadas, objetivando aprimorar suas atividades e colaborar para a melhoria dos níveis de qualidade no ensino.
Identification of factors which influence in the quality of mathematics teaching, through factorial analysis
Luis Felipe Dias Lopes,Andreia Zanella
Sistemas & Gest?o , 2007,
Abstract: The search for better levels of quality in teaching has been constantly growing, the schoolwhich want to produce quality should firstly get to know its clients necessities. The presentwork aims to identify the variables that better influence the mathematics teaching quality, theknowledge of such aspects by the school and teachers is fundamental so that efforts to thementioned most important dimensions can be properly driven. The data gathering was doneby closed questionnaires which tried to investigate the students’s perception over theteaching-learning of Mathematics. In order to analyze the data, a factorial statistics analyzetool was used, which allowed to obtain a linear reduced structure of the original set pf data,by the summarization of the information within a number of variables in a smaller set offactors. Therefore, it was possible to identify six variables: assessment efficiency, studentinterest, teacher preparation, current investigation themes, teacher’s punctuality andpreparation to tests. The teachers of the subject should turn their attention to these variables,aiming to improve their activities and help the improving of the teaching quality level.
Barreiras percebidas e hábitos de atividade física de adolescentes escolares de uma cidade do sul do Brasil
Dambros, Daniela Dressler;Lopes, Luis Felipe Dias;Santos, Daniela Lopes dos;
Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria & Desempenho Humano , 2011, DOI: 10.5007/1980-0037.2011v13n6p422
Abstract: the purpose of this study was to analyze physical activity (pa) habits and perceived barriers to pa in high school students from the municipality of santa maria, state of rio grande do sul, brazil. a total of 424 students with a mean age of 15.69 (± 0.9) years, 54.72% of them male and 45.28% female, took part in the study. the third part of the compac questionnaire was used to assess physical activity habits, and the questionnaire developed by martins and petroski (2000), adapted for this study population, to investigate perceived barriers to physical activity. the main perceived barriers were time devoted to studies, absence of an exercise partner, poor weather and long work hours. girls perceived more barriers than boys. nearly one-third of participants (32.35%) were considered insufficiently active. engagement in moderate to vigorous pa differed significantly (p<0.05) between genders, girls being less active. walking was the most widely practiced activity among girls (76.04%), whereas boys favored soccer (71.90%). there were significant differences in pa between private and public school students; those enrolled in state-run schools were most active. our results can serve as a reference for specific actions designed to promote physical activity and health.
A influência dos sistemas sensoriais na plataforma de for?a: estudo do equilíbrio corporal em idosas com e sem queixa de tontura
Teixeira, Clarissa Stefani;Lemos, Luiz Fernando Cuozzo;Lopes, Luis Felipe Dias;Mota, Carlos Bolli;
Revista CEFAC , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/S1516-18462010005000110
Abstract: purpose: to analyze the responses of two groups of aged women (with and without dizziness complaints) under different sensorial conditions on a force platform. methods: to analyze the data used is a force platform amti or6-6 under a frequency of 100 hz. samples were collected in four different conditions, which are, as it follows: open eyes (oe), closed eyes (ce) only on the force platform, open eyes (oe) and closed eyes (ce) on a cushion of 20 cm thickness. the examined variables were the anterior-posterior center of power (copap), center of medium-strength side (copml), 95% of the ellipse area, length and speed of oscillation. comparisons were made between the group and between conditions within groups, through the test of duncan. results: results showed no differences among the groups in any variable, but the ce condition caused the greatest disruption as for the elderly women. conclusion: we may conclude that the increase in the difficulty imposed by the four assessed conditions, changed the body oscillation of the evaluated elderly women.
A influência dos sistemas sensoriais na plataforma de for a: estudo do equilíbrio corporal em idosas com e sem queixa de tontura Influence of sensorial systems on force plate: study of postural balance in aged women with and without dizziness complaints
Clarissa Stefani Teixeira,Luiz Fernando Cuozzo Lemos,Luis Felipe Dias Lopes,Carlos Bolli Mota
Revista CEFAC , 2010,
Abstract: OBJETIVO: analisar as respostas de dois grupos de idosas (com e sem queixa de tontura) submetidas a diferentes condi es sensoriais em uma plataforma de for a. MéTODOS: para a realiza o desse estudo utilizou-se uma plataforma de for a AMTI OR6-5 com uma frequência de aquisi o de 100 Hz. Foram realizadas coletas em quatro condi es distintas: olhos abertos (OA), olhos fechados (OF) sobre apenas a plataforma de for a, olhos abertos (OAA) e olhos fechados (OFA) sobre uma almofada de 20 cm de espessura. As variáveis analisadas foram o centro de for a antero-posterior (COPap), centro de for a médio-lateral (COPml), 95% da elipse da área, velocidade de oscila o e comprimento da oscila o.Compara es entre os grupos e entre as condi es dentro dos grupos, foram realizadas por meio do teste de Duncan. RESULTADOS: os resultados mostraram n o haver diferen as entre os grupos em nenhuma variável, porém a condi o OFA causou maiores perturba es no equilíbrio corporal das idosas. CONCLUS O: conclui-se que o aumento da dificuldade imposta pelas quatro condi es de testes, alterou a oscila o corporal das idosas avaliadas. PURPOSE: to analyze the responses of two groups of aged women (with and without dizziness complaints) under different sensorial conditions on a force platform. METHODS: to analyze the data used is a force platform AMTI OR6-6 under a frequency of 100 Hz. Samples were collected in four different conditions, which are, as it follows: open eyes (OE), closed eyes (CE) only on the force platform, open eyes (OE) and closed eyes (CE) on a cushion of 20 cm thickness. The examined variables were the anterior-posterior center of power (COPap), center of medium-strength side (COPml), 95% of the ellipse area, length and speed of oscillation. Comparisons were made between the group and between conditions within groups, through the test of Duncan. RESULTS: results showed no differences among the groups in any variable, but the CE condition caused the greatest disruption as for the elderly women. CONCLUSION: we may conclude that the increase in the difficulty imposed by the four assessed conditions, changed the body oscillation of the evaluated elderly women.
Coassimetria e cocurtose na análise dos pre os das a es no mercado financeiro nacional CO-SKEWNESS AND CO-KURTOSIS IN THE ANALYSIS OF STOCK PRICING AT IBOVESPA
Alexandre Silva de Oliveira,Luis Felipe Dias Lopes,Eduardo Botti Abbade
Revista de Administra??o da UFSM , 2010,
Abstract: Este estudo tem como tema de pesquisa a mensura o do pre o das a es no mercado financeiro nacional. Como quest es, investigam-se qual a influência do terceiro e quarto momentos na precifica o de ativos, a influência da coassimetria na correla o da proxy IBOV com as a es, a influência da cocurtose na correla o da proxy IBOV com as a es, a influência conjunta da coassimetria e cocurtose na correla o entre a proxy IBOV e as a es, o seu desempenho comparado com o modelo CAPM e o aumento ou n o da precis o. Como método de pesquisa, desenvolveu-se pesquisa bibliográfica e estudo das séries temporais das a es que compunham o índice Ibovespa, em 30 de maio de 2008, tratadas com o uso de regress es múltiplas, tendo como variáveis a volatilidade sistemática, a assimetria sistemática e a curtose sistemática. Como resultados, o trabalho permite afirmar conclusivamente que a coassimetria e a cocurtose n o melhoram o desempenho do modelo de precifica o de ativos. The central issue of this research is to investigate and measuring the stock price in the brazilian financial market. It was investigate the influence of the third and fourth time in the pricing of assets, the influence of co-skewness in correlation with the proxy IBOV stocks, the influence of co-kurtosis in correlation with the proxy IBOV stocks, the influence of co-skewness and co-kurtosis in the correlation between the proxy IBOV and stocks, its performance compared with the CAPM and the increase of the accuracy. Is was developed literature research and study of time series of the stocks that constitutes the Ibovespa index on 30 May 2008, analyzed with the use of multiple regressions with the variables to systematic volatility, the systematic skewness and systematic kurtosis. As a result it was observed conclusively that co-skewness and co-kurtosis do not improve the performance of the model of pricing of assets.
Sistema de análise de ativos através de redes neurais de múltiplas camadas. Asset analysis system using multilayer neural networks
André Pacheco Miranda,Rodrigo Luiz Antoniazzi,Luis Felipe Dias Lopes,Marco Antonio Barbosa
Revista de Administra??o da UFSM , 2012,
Abstract: When investors decide to “adventure” through stock markets they search for a method to provide safety on making decision. In fact, there is no precise way to know which stocks will became a profitable investiment. Technical analysis is a discipline that support the investors on making decisions. Such a discipline uses a set of tools and statistical methods to forecast the market’s movement. Such a paper presents the develpment of a robotical Trade System, using a heuristic method. The system has a Neural Network multilayer perceptron, trained with an algorithm for back propagation error. Thus, approaching to the technical analysis without emotional aspects, using the Neural Network forecast on supporting the decisions of a investor on stock market. In analyzing the results of the neural network can be seen that the neural network got a result of 42.6% higher than the diagnostic of the technical analysis. Quando investidores decidem se “aventurar” pelo mercado de renda variável, como pelo mercado de a es, buscam um método de ter mais seguran a na tomada de decis o. Na prática, n o há como saber quais ativos tornar-se- o um investimento lucrativo. No mercado acionário, a Análise Técnica procura auxiliar o investidor na tomada de decis o. Para isso, utiliza-se de ferramentas e de métodos estatísticos para tentar predizer os movimentos do mercado. Este artigo apresenta o desenvolvimento de um Trade System robótico, utilizando um método heurístico. O sistema conta com uma rede neural multilayer perceptron, treinada com o algoritmo de retro propaga o de erro, aproximando-se da análise técnica sem o fator emo o. Ao avaliar os resultados da rede neural, pode ser visto que a mesma obteve um resultado de 42,6% maior do que o diagnóstico da análise técnica.
Stress ou Burnout, a realidade frente a inclus o
Maria Inês Naujorks,Geisa Letícia Kempfer,Marcia Denise Pletsch,Luis Felipe Dias Lopes
Revista Educa??o Especial , 2000,
Abstract: Este trabalho visa estudar o stress que a proposta da escola inclusiva causa, pois ela tem um potencial inédito que precisa ser desvendado para que possamos iniciar um entendimento da complexidade n o só da proposta, como também das rea es individuais frente ao novo, ao desafio.. Fizeram parte deste estudo as escolas do ensino fundamental da rede pública de Santa Maria/RS, totalizando 91 escolas. Até o presente momento percebemos o processo de inclus o como gerador de situa es difíceis nas rela es escolares desencadeando um processo de desgaste institucional e pessoal; por parte das escolas : no que se refere a remo o de barreiras arquitet nicas, estudo do projeto politico-pedagógico, entre outros; por parte dos professores: por desconhecerem o que é o fen meno da deficiência e seus desdobramentos na dinamica em sala de aula.

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